Wheat grass jars (baby food jars with metallic sharpie to draw faces)
and wind in your face
W is for water cycle (we talked about water evaporating, gathering up in the clouds and then spilling out as rain)
It’s also for frozen Water popsicles (little man’s gums are sure thankful for those)
And Water is in the Melt the Ice dice game. You have a chart of things to do to the ice (blow on it, hold it, put it in water, down your shirt, on the floor or add salt), based on which number you roll on the dice. The kids loved it, especially getting the same thing over and over, and throwing their ice on the ground super hard.
W is for waves of a blanket
And totally not during preschool, W is for window. Poor baby boy leans out the window and yells at the playset or the kids playing on it. I tried to get a picture of him with his fist in the air, but he wouldn’t do it when the camera appeared. I’m thinking we’re going to need a bigger lock and maybe a fence whenever he decides to walk.
Other things we did at Preschool:
Sang “I wiggle my fingers…” and “Shake my sillies out”
Read “Big Red Tub” and talked about what we do with water (highlight- my daughter pointing out we get baptized in water. She’s so spiritual, *wipe away a tear* hehe)
Other ideas- do a Watermelon themed activity. Do water activities outside (it was so cold yesterday, there was no chance of that). Paint with water on the sidewalk.
Hooray for the letter W!