Saturday, January 24, 2009


My sister's Christmas present was a Slanket/ Snuglie of her choice.
Instead of doing a blanket with sleeves, as most slanket/snuglie/snuglets are,
we did a humungous fleece poncho, that went to her feet and included a hood.
I basically folded the 3 yards of fabric in half, cut off a section and made a hood, sewed it on, and sewed up the sides leaving 12 inches of side for arm holes. And serged the edge of the hood for a ruffly effect. Tip- this could double as a sith lord costume, if done in brown.

Now lets go lounge around the house for hours and never be cold. Hooray for Slankets!
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1 comment:

Carrie said...

yea! i'm happy you have a blogger blog now!! i couldn't talk to you until you did : )

love the slanket. i want one but i don't want to make it. :( what's a girl to do?

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